Occasionally, our physical health is neglected while we are working. With this in mind, Aictive gives you some tips to help you fight against workplace sedentariness and to help you realize that keeping your mind and body in harmony during your workday is easier than you think.
Walk, or use healthy means of transportation to get to your workplace: even if your journey only lasts for 15 or 20 minutes, this will be a positive habit to include in your daily routine. If you choose other means of transportation, such as a bicycle, you will be exercising and hardly realize that you are doing so.
Engage in exercise breaks during your workday: it is convenient for you to, once per hour, or at most once every two hours, and during approximately 10 minutes, get up from your chair and move around, either by performing stretching routines or more complex exercises, which will allow you to reactivate your body.
Improve your posture: remember that, when sitting down, your back must remain straight, both your feet must be placed on the floor and, if you work with a computer, your screen should ideally be located at eye-level.
According to a study conducted by the European University of Madrid, jointly with Sanitas, exercising at the workplace reduces absenteeism and improves productivity, in addition to being absolutely beneficial for workers. It’s the best way to prevent the risks derived from workplace sedentariness.