Running is a sport with an increasing number of followers, and the occurrence of injuries, in most cases, is caused by incorrect loads, improper training planning, lack of rest, inadequate nutrition, and the use of unsuitable footwear. All of this can lead to an imbalance in the musculoskeletal system.
Have you ever felt pain in your knees or behind your ankles, generally during the first minutes of a race, and later subsiding once you have warmed up? Or a tingly sensation on the soles of your feet?
These are symptoms of the most common injuries in running, such as patellar tendinitis or of the Achilles’ heel, plantar fasciitis, and others with various symptoms such as tibial periostitis, stress fractures, and iliotibial band friction syndrome.
Risk factors
Among the risk factors which can predispose the runner to suffering an injury, we should differentiate between those which depend upon the athlete him/herself (physical condition, prior injuries, running technique, footwear, recovery, nutrition) and those which depend on the environment where the activity is practiced, such as the chosen running surface. It’s possible that these factors, individually considered, would not lead to us suffering injuries, but, combined and in addition to overtraining, they do increase the risk of injury.
Evidence shows that the greatest number of injuries occur due to tissue overload, caused by excessive training. For this reason, it is extremely important to specifically plan all training days, along with resting days, which should be considered as part of your training.
Sleeping well, hydrating properly before, during, and after training, and eating according to your needs, are key factors which aid in the optimal recovery of your system and provide an improved adaptation to effort.
Conducting a proper warm-up, which includes joint mobility and dynamic tissue flexibility, is recommended as an essential methodological measure in training-competition processes, as they cause changes in the viscoelastic properties of tissues and an improvement in metabolic conditions. In addition, strength workouts – at maximum load, of the explosive type and with plyometrics – should also be included in order to enhance sports performance, save energy when running, and thus reduce the risk of suffering injuries. This should be done for the various muscle groups, not only for those in your legs, but also in your torso and arms, because these groups also play an important role in your running technique.
Another relevant factor is training variability. Since each surface has its own advantages and disadvantages, it is advisable to train in varied types of terrain, choosing the surface based on the type of training that will be conducted and on the race’s own requirements. This will allow your tissues to adapt better to surface changes.
One of the most frequent problems is not being certain about what runner category you belong to – beginner, medium, or advanced. This categorization will not only be based on your performance or on what distance you are capable of running, but, rather, it will depend on your condition and your habits. The Move Check Running platform, through artificial intelligence, will provide you with an analysis about your status in only 15 minutes, and this will help you gain the knowledge required for you to improve your performance and prevent potential injuries.
Also read: Movement and Artificial Intelligence: Aictive proposal
Finally, we want to remind you that planning is essential, and that you should never forget that proper rest is a part of training, along with following a routine of daily habits that is consistent with the physical activity that you carry out.
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