A squat is a highly functional exercise, because it is part of your daily life, being similar to standing up or sitting down on a chair, or bending down to pick up something heavy from the floor. In training, a squat is used as a push pattern, which will be necessary to jump, run, and […]
Our feet and our ankles are the structures that support our entire body. Their perfect anatomy and distribution among bones, tendons, ligaments, and joints allow us to move efficiently, whether we are jumping, running, turning or simply walking. The ankle is a joint that, thanks to its mobility and stability, enables the entire body to […]
Move Check assesses a series of movement patterns and functional exercises such as push-ups, but, what is a push-up? A push-up is an exercise consisting of a motion in which you lift-up or push your body up from the ground, and its execution allows us to evaluate several of our body’s structures and functions. A […]
We are active beings, who are in constant movement. Each time that we move, our bodies do so based on an intention or purpose, that is to say, a function. For this reason, when conducting a movement assessment, we must understand that the concept of functionality will be the result of the interaction of our […]
Did you know? A sedentary lifestyle and physical inactivity have become the most common habits in contemporary society. Worldwide, it is estimated that approximately 60% of the population is within this group, in which activities such as sitting down in front of a screen at work, when driving, and when watching television, are common. According […]
As years pass, not only do we become wiser; our bodies and minds also undergo some changes. In general, people are not aware about what exercises they should be performing, nor the intensity of such exercises. With this in mind, today we will give you some tips regarding the physical activity that is best for […]
We are active beings, and we live in movement, although this feature of ours has been fading out with evolution: changes in workplace activity and our routines have favored deficient and repetitive movements, along with sedentariness, a condition that facilitates the occurrence of muscle-skeletal injuries. Movement assessments provide useful information to identify and quantify any motor […]
Occasionally, our physical health is neglected while we are working. With this in mind, Aictive gives you some tips to help you fight against workplace sedentariness and to help you realize that keeping your mind and body in harmony during your workday is easier than you think. Walk, or use healthy means of transportation to […]
Does how you move really matter? Is how you execute a deep squat important, or how you run, jump, or perform your exercises if you’re working on your strength? Is the amount of time in your training that you assign to ensure the movement that you are performing is properly executed a relevant issue? The […]
Spending 8 or 9 hours a day sitting on a chair during the workday negatively affects human health, creating muscle pain or circulatory problems, among other ailments. The most recurring issues are backpain and neck-pain, muscle tension or contractures, some muscular-skeletal disorders, such as spinal discomfort, and cervical syndrome due to stress. The loss of […]