In the past, it was believed that running training consisted only of running the greatest number of kilometers and that this type of training was enough to reach an optimal athletic performance. Nowadays, however, specialists recognize that it is crucial for running training to include joint mobility, stability and strength training exercises, along with working […]
En una actividad física como es el running, el reponer el agua y los electrolitos perdidos por la sudoración es fundamental para el rendimiento físico y evitar problemas de salud. Al hacer running, la temperatura corporal aumenta producto del funcionamiento de los músculos, esta temperatura se regula a través del sudor donde se elimina agua […]
In a physical activity such as running, replenishing water and electrolytes lost by sweating is essential for physical performance and for avoiding health problems. When running, body temperature increases as a result of the functioning of your muscles; this temperature is regulated through sweat, which eliminates water and electrolytes, such as sodium. Any significant loss […]
In running, the prevalence of injuries is approximately 50%. This is mainly due to the long distances covered by runners when training and competing, and to the strain imposed upon runners’ bodies by such level of demand. Running is a sport performed on a single plain, unidirectionally, with a high reaction force from the ground, […]
En el running la prevalencia de lesiones es cercana al 50%. Esto ocurre principalmente por la larga distancias que se entrenan y compiten, y por las demandas que significan para el cuerpo esa exigencia. Es un deporte que se realiza solo en un plano, en una dirección, hay una alta fuerza de reacción del suelo […]
Cuando corremos nuestro cuerpo se mueve rápida y repetitivamente mientras; pensamos, escuchamos, miramos, observamos, conversamos con nosotros mismos y disfrutamos. Desafortunadamente, cuando aparece dolor músculo-esquelético nuestro entrenamiento físico y mental se ve interrumpido y desafiado. Nuestras percepciones al correr podrían cambiar y lo más probable es que nuestra atención se dirija a la zona del […]
When we run, our body moves fast and repetitively, while we think, listen, look, observe, talk to ourselves, and enjoy. Unfortunately, when any musculoskeletal pain arises, our physical and mental training is interrupted and challenged. Our perceptions when running may change, and it is highly likely for our attention to focus on the area where […]
The Santiago Marathon – which has been held in the streets of the capital of Chile since 1990 – is back after a two-year hiatus caused by the pandemic, with a record number of registered runners. The origins of Marathon running in Chile The Santiago Marathon was officially held for the first time in the […]
Can arm movement make us run faster? Does arm movement reduce energy waste when running? Ideally, while running, you should keep our shoulders low and relaxed, your hands also relaxed, without making a fist, and your elbows flexed. Your arms should swing close to your body and heart. While running, your hands should not cross […]
¿El braceo nos hace correr más rápido? ¿El movimiento de los brazos disminuye el gasto energético al correr? Mientras corremos, idealmente, deberíamos tener nuestros hombros bajos y sin tensión, las manos relajadas, sin puño y los codos en flexión. Los brazos deben balancearse cercano al cuerpo y al corazón. Mientras corremos las manos no deberían […]
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